
Hello Everyone,

Thanks for visiting my little blog.

So the reason behind why I started this blog;

My husband Benj and I lead very full lives. He is a Youth Pastor (no he is not an old dude that wears a robe. He is a trendy, skinny jeans wearing, coffee loving, people loving hipster that I adore) . I am a High School Chaplain, and also a Freelance Hairstylist.

Before we got married, we both agreed that we should never stop dating and 6 years on that promise is still going strong. We are both lucky enough to share the same day off,  and  this has now come to be known as DATE DAY! We make a point to spend some quality time together, and we both LOVE to go on adventures.

My hope is for this to be a blog where couples/friends get inspired to go adventuring/ get amongst creation and spend quality time with the people you love. May this blog motivate you to intentionally invest into your relationships. There is something so special about shared experiences and I honestly believe that adventuring creates memories that will last a lifetime.

What I don’t want this to be is yet another lifestyle/travel blog. My vision for this is that it will inspire you to spend time with the people you love.

THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures.


Mel Gould 🙂img_3105