
On point aesthetics, food to make your mouth water and coffee that is like a liquid hug.

Tramsheds is located at Harolds Park Sydney. This historical building that once housed 200 trams has come back to life and it is goooooooood.

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Heres a hot tip… park on Maxwell Rd. It is a 2hr carpark and is located at the back entrance to the Tramsheds. It is totally worth it, because as you come down the escalators, you get greeted with this view (see pic below)


First stop… Coffee at Garçon. I loved this place. We got seated “up in the heavens”. We only had coffee (my choice was an ice long black and man was it good) but if, more like when I go back, ill be trying the food. They also have an awesome collection of wines and cocktails. Winner in my eyes.


Next on the list was Belles hot chicken for lunch. YUM!!

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I am all about those aesthetics. So many awesome shops and cafes. Ill definitely be coming back here.

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I hope you get a chance to check this place out sometime. You will not be disappointed. If you have been here before, please leave a comment below with your favourite place to have a bite to eat or a drink.

Mel 🙂

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